Opalite is a man-made stone created from glass. It has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It stabilizes mood swings and promotes inner peace. It enhances one's connection to the spirit world and aids the interpretation of psychic information. It helps alleviate feelings of depression, hopelessness, and anxiety.
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot HEMATITEGROUNDING ● COURAGE ● CONFIDENCE Hematite is a stone of protection, grounding, and stability. It enhances...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot BLACK TOURMALINEGROUNDING ● STRENGTH ● PROTECTION Black Tourmaline eliminates negative thought patterns, habits, and behaviors, and encourages...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot RUTILE QUARTZAMPLIFICATION ● INTUITION ● MANIFESTATION Rutilated Quartz has a high vibration and aligns all the...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot 2 Sizes - Large, Medium MOOKAITE JASPERNURTURING ● GROUNDING ● PROTECTION Mookaite Jasper has a nurturing and...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot 3 Sizes - Large, Medium, Small GREEN AVENTURINEPROSPERTIY ● COURAGE ● LEADERSHIP Green Aventurine is believed...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot LEPIDOLITEEMOTIONAL BALANCE ● SOOTHING ● AWARENESS First discovered in the 19th century by Robert Bunsen and Gustav...
Piece(s) are intuitively chosen from lot 2 Sizes - Large, Medium LABRADORITETRANSFORMATION ● COURAGE ● PROTECTION Linked to the glimmering gold and green lights...
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