Experience the allure of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, happiness, seduction, sex and procreation, with our Aphrodite's...
Experience the empowering presence of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis with our Artemis Devotional Oil. This oil is handcrafted using a blend...
Experience the power of our Divining Oil! Our proprietary blend includes organic essential oils, herbs, crystal chips, hair and skin-friendly...
6.3" tall Bastet, also called Bast, is an ancient Egyptian goddess worshipped in the form of a cat/lioness. Bastet is...
$40.00 $30.00
Beautiful gold trim evil eye/ Nazar teacup and matching saucer set. These are great to use to hold beverage offerings...
$25.00 $22.50
Gua sha is a technique of traditional Chinese Medicine that is practiced regularly to help aid in relaxation, lymphatic stimulation...
The Protection Ritual Oil is carefully handcrafted using a proprietary blend of organic essential oils, herbs, and crystal chips with...
These adorable carved spoons will look beautiful displayed on your altar & are perfect for scooping herbs, bath salts, loose...
Experience the transformative power of our Road Opener Ritual Oil, carefully handcrafted using a proprietary blend of organic essential oils...
Our Transmutation Ritual Oil is carefully handcrafted using a proprietary blend of organic essential oils, herbs, and crystal chips chosen...
Gorgeous witch statue on a broom with a screscent moon, celtic knot details and pentacle, perfect for decor or your...
$55.00 $40.00
Gorgeous natural wood altar with pentacle, with 3 wood slices that fit tealight candles. 9" long
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